Post Assessment Re-Teaching Plan

(This is done after grading Diagnostics and Interim Assessments)
Diagnostic Instructional Plan

Section:                        Teacher: Evelyn                       Subject:  Science

What skills and/or strategies warrant more time for whole-class instruction, re-teaching and review?
Where will these skills and/or strategies be addressed?
Inventory of whole class needs:
50% or less of mastery

2.1 – I can describe the layers of Earth as lithosphere, convecting mantle, and core.

2.2- I can use the rock cycle chart to compare the formation process of the three types of rocks.

2.4 – I can explain how rocks and fossils are used to understand the age and geological history of the Earth, by using timelines, relative dating, and rock layers.

Mini-Lesson (Days of Science Station Skills):

Week 1:  Earth’s layers
Week 2:  Rock Cycle
Week 3:  Inference, prediction, observation, hypothesis

Independent Work:
The independent work for these learning targets will be addressed through the small group station work.

Conference time will be spent looking at students change in grade from last test to present.
Conferences will also address science writing related to the scientific method.

Exit Tickets
Quiz on topics listed above

Inventory of small group needs:
SK-1:  I can use science equipment to measure the mass and volume of solids, liquids, and gasses
SK-2:  I can graph science data from a given data table
SK-3:  I can interpret and analyze graphed science data
L.5:     I can use it in order to predict what will happen during an experiment; I can write a hypothesis using fill in the blanks: I think increasing the (independent variable) will __________ the (dependent variable). I think this because
Station 1: Reading Comprehension Station (science readings)
Station 2: Mini- Lab Station
Station 3: Vocabulary Station
Station 4: Making and Interpreting Graphs
Station 5: Chart and Data Analysis

(Students will rotate through the stations, one per week)

Students who need the most help.
Lowest scoring 5 students.
IEP Goals to be Addressed
What They Need Most Help With
Instructional Plan – When or How Will They Get Tutored, Supported, Addressed

Reading and interpreting questions

Students will be invited to attend a lunch time review of the concepts.

Students will receive an incentive for showing growth on a rest of concepts.